Wednesday, July 29, 2015

My Photo Work

                                                                                 © 2015 Ivana Simone

     Here is a little bit of my photo work I have been extremely busy with hope you guys like it.
                                                                           Be good. Be easy. Be inspired.
                                                                                               -Ivana Simone

Knowing When To Let Go

      Energy suckers can be detrimental to your success. If not handled quickly and accordingly they can bring your goals to a complete halt. For the past couple of months I myself have been dealing with energy suckers. I felt it appropriate to come and share with you my experience and my decisions in such a case. The very first thing that I will say is to pay very close attention to how someone consumes your time, and what they try to direct it to.
     I advise this because anytime you are trying to reach a goal there is always someone or something that comes up as an obstacle. In my situation I noticed that the individual at hand would always try to disturb me when I was working on my photography, or my music, writing, etc. Once you see things like this happening you must demand that your time be respected, because you have a goal you are trying to reach.  Do not fold or bend. You have to stay driven at all cost or else you'll end up laying your goals down by the wayside.
     Furthermore if you realize that someone in your circle does not have a head on their shoulders such as yourself, it is best to end the relationship before it goes to far.  This is a recipe for disaster having friends who have no ambition or drive. You are both on different roads. When two people on different paths come together the draining begins. Someone is going to end up changing, this situation becomes the battle of the strengths.
     Ultimately I am trying to tell you that on your journey to success and prospering there are some things and people you have to drop. Keep your eye on your goals. If you don't have a list of goals to accomplish make one. Lastly, do your best to meet those goals and keep yourself in a place to get career excelling opportunities. I hope you've all been well and striving for your dreams, and please remember no dream is to big.

                                                 Be good. Be easy. Be inspired.
                                                                        -Ivana Simone