Thursday, January 29, 2015

Exhaust Every Possibility

     In this life there will always be someone who says you can't do something and just because they said it, you don't. But just as the picture above says "A lion doesn't concern himself with opinions of sheep."  The truth of the matter is that that person said that to you because once at some point in their life someone said that to them. Misery loves company. Always Exhaust every possibility so at the end of the day you can at least say you tried.
     I myself am just realizing anything I want to happen can happen if I give my all, lose lots of sleep (smile) and believe in what I'm doing.  So who cares if someone says I can't do something, just because I'm going for it I have already made it.  That's my new found attitude that I am super proud of and glad I discovered her again lol.  I'm going to always be like a lion  or an eagle. A lion walks with pride, integrity, and his head up- the eagle soars straight towards the sun never looking back.

                                                                          Be like a lion or an eagle.
                                                                                          -Ivana Simone

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Pushing The Limit

     Yesterday I wrote a song that to me was outstanding however when I let some of my closest friends hear it they said, "You can do better and make this song pop." This took me aback because to me this song was perfection, however when I went at it again it came out twenty times better than when I wrote it the first time. This time as I recorded it I was dancing, and really feeling the song because I made it come alive. Don't become complacent always push your work to the highest limits that you can. Even when you think you can't get any better know that there is always room for improvement, and it will come if you work at it.
     When I came at that song again and saw how nicely it came out, all I could do was smile the biggest smile. I was so proud of myself. I felt super accomplished. I told myself at first I can't do what they are asking of me, and almost shied away from it out of fear. But something in me was like "NO WE ARE DOING THIS!" Once I did it I danced to the song for at least an hour because I was so proud of myself. Never ever limit yourself because you don't know what you can do until go for a crack at it.
       As my late grandfather always said "If you try the first time and you don't succeed try try again."
                                                                                    Be encouraged.

                                                                                                         -Ivana Simone

Monday, January 12, 2015


     Inspiration is a very big part of pushing forward in anything you truly desire to do. It is always good to follows those who inspire you on social media. My reason for this is because reading things they post will keep you driven and pushing for greatness.  Last year I was on Facebook and I saw a video one of my friends posted that was a interview of Spike Lee.  In his interview Pharrell asked him about the filming of Malcolm X, and his reply was so inspirational I nearly jumped out of my chair ready to go to work. He began to talk about all the hard work Denzel put into the role and how he studied Malcolm X's work.
     He explained to the listeners that Denzel became Malcolm X and followed every practice he did in order to really capture the role. Denzel had captured the role so much so that he ended up adding words to Malcolm's speech in the movie not remembering a word when he was finished. Spike Lee went on to say that anything you do you have to put your all in it, and you have to give it everything you got in order for it to be great. He went on to say " Whatever it is you do whether it be art, music, writing, acting anything you do that you don't give 100% will become a fad but the stuff with real dedication in it is timeless." That excited me so I could almost jump up and down and shout YES!
     He was absolutely right! Denzel is another one who is very inspirational and is continuously encouraging young actors to go for their dream. But not to just go for it  but to go for it with everything you got, and also by maintaining a high level of spirituality.  These are two people who truly inspire me, so I follow them on any social media they may have and anytime they do interviews that I see anywhere I watch them. This helps to keep me driven, and alive, as well as excited about what I am going for.
     I hope that this helps you in one way or another and if you don't do anything else after reading this please do this one thing.  Find out who in your craft inspires you. After doing that find some of their work and pay attention to it, watch how they go beyond the limit with it. Then if they are on social media follow them. Lastly if they have any interviews on Youtube watch them, it's during interviews I have seen my inspirations say the most inspiring things.

  Hope this video gives you some inspiration.
                                - Ivana Simone

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Belief & Success(Poetry)

Belief & Success
A dream… A dream, I had a dream.
In my dream I reached the highest heights of spirituality,
And came to the reality that we all have the ability to achieve success.
For our success is not trodden down for the lack of our abilities but the lack of our belief.
The power of belief is unfathomable to the mind of man because it speaks to the spirit in which it was created to co-exist.
The power which man possesses knows he not because if he did people wouldn’t be martyred trying to get to the top.
The mis-education about the top is that it was only created for one... What a mis-education that is.
The apex was not forged for fellow beings to become competitive nor was it for the current arrivals to inhibit and deem it only fit for themselves.
See the top was made to show you how you got here is what you do to stay here. Hard work, dedication, sacrifice, and determination are the keys to this domain.
As this realization hit me I became engulfed with the understanding that success and belief were more than yin and yang, more than the moon and the sun, more than the day and the night, they were mated at the hip for one cannot exist without the other.
What an adventure to allow the mind to travel and oh what a thought to let it absorb.
                                                                                      Copyright © 2015

Belief & Success

     Many of us in this world believe that our dreams are too outrageous to reach, and because we believe this we never even attempt to go for them. The truth of the matter is no goal is to big to achieve, it's all a matter of how much work you intend to do.  Many have a tendency to talk about all the things they want to do, and even go so far as saying this is going to happen with no action taken toward the desired goal.  The truth of the matter is that anything we want to do in this life is not going to just drop down in our laps. If no work is put into anything then the end result is absolutely nothing happens except the passing of time. 
     I myself have fallen victim to this train of thought for many years and I felt all hope was lost and that was all folks. However, I unlike others had a few select people who became very active in my life and pushed me to the limit. I DO MEAN PUSHED TO THE LIMIT TOO! Every time I said I can't they called me a liar and said you can, when all I had to say was negative things about life they hit me with reality, when I said I quit they said "Okay well then you like your current situation."  This was the tough love I faced on a daily basis no surrender and no retreat. 
     Ultimately this was my daily treatment and I hated every bit of it I felt misunderstood and beaten on. I now realize the reason they were so hard on me is because they really did understand me and didn't want to see me continue to wither and die.  But there are those out there who have nothing and no one to breath life into them positively at all. It is my hope that that which I post here inspires and encourages many, and gives that little breath of life needed to carry on positively.  Rememer this about FEAR
                                                                                      - Ivana Simone