Thursday, April 2, 2015

Forgiveness of Self

    I wanted to come and talk to you guys today about forgiveness of self.  A lot of times we are super hard on ourselves for mistakes we've made, things we've done, as well as things we didn't do. I know I have dealt with this before heavily. Now let me first state this is not going in a religious direction so don't get me misunderstood.  However forgiveness is not just a religious concept, it is a concept of self love, worth, and the drawing of positive things to you.

    When we don't forgive ourselves we hold ourselves back thus becoming our own worst enemy aside from anyone else on the planet.  In my opinion the concept of forgiveness has been taken out of context, and due to that people don't do it or even desire to.  Here is an example. Someone you trust breaks that trust and robs your home, and you discover that it was them.  You decide to forgive them and continue to let them into your home, come around and pretend it never happened.

     That is not at all how that should go.  Forgiving someone doesn't mean you forget about what they did because that's humanly impossible. However it does mean you don't hold on to the hurt from the action. Now how you handle the person is a matter of choice.  When dealing with ones self it is very similar to that stated above.

     You will never forget those things you did to wrong yourself.. What you can do is face the fact that you did it and let go of the pain you feel from it.  I will not say this is an easy task because I myself have struggled with it.  One thing I have done that has worked for me is I take that thing that I couldn't forgive myself for, and I let it drive me to be better and do better.  Life did not come with a handbook, and it didn't come with a mind that has all the answers.

     As we walk through life we are always presented with two paths, which represents choices.  There is no how to make the right choice guideline. In life you make the choice you feel is best for you at the time.  Sometimes that choice is the wrong one.  I encourage you to let go of the pain of wrong choices made and time wasted.

     Focus on the fact that you have today and you have the now. Right now you can get up and do something to make a difference. Right now you have the ability to get up and make things happen for yourself.  Right now is what you are living not yesterday.  Take yesterday and use it as a reminder of what not to do, and do not let the lack of forgiveness of self stop you from becoming the you you truly want to be.

     Here is a song that I listen to when I need to forgive myself and it really helps me put things in perspective. When you listen to it think about the entire song in terms of yourself. As if it's you talking to yourself.

                                                            Be good. Be easy. Be inspired.
                                                                                -Ivana Simone


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